Ramezani Z, Hejazi S M, Rashidlamir A. The Effect of Eight Weeks Aerobic Exercise on the Atherogenic Ratio and ABCG8 Gene Expression in PBMC Globules of Overweight Women. IJDO 2017; 9 (3) :95-100
Assistant Professo, Department of Physical Education and Athletic Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
Abstract: (3733 Views)
Objective: Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries is the most significant cause of disability and mortality worldwide and the most efficient physiological process reducing the risk of this disease is RCT. ABCG8 plays a crucial role in the reverse transfer of cholesterol from macrophages to the liver. The aim of this study is to study the effect of eight weeks aerobic exercise on the atherogenic ratio and the ABCG8 gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells globules in women with overweight.
Materials and Methods: The statistical populations were overweight women in Mashhad who were referred to gyms. Among the eligible population, 30 women were included and divided randomly into two groups of exercise and control. Aerobic exercise sessions were three times a week. A blood sample was taken from all cases 48 hours before the first exercise session and 24 hours after the last exercise session. After the separation of mononuclear blood globules, the gene expression was studied via RT-PCR and the atherogenic ratio was measured by special kits.
Results: The data demonstrated that exercise has a significant effect on the increase of ABCG8 gene expression in PBMC globules (P-value:0.001, t=5.40), and on the decrease of atherogenic ratio (P-value:0.01, t=-2.86).
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, eight weeks of aerobic exercise could lead to an increase in ABCG8 gene in overweight women and improve the function of reverse cholesterol transportation.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2017/12/23 | Accepted: 2017/12/23 | Published: 2017/12/23